WatchGuard EPDR 1 Year 1001 to 5000 licenses License Per User
Sophos XGS 107 Email Protection 11 MOS GOV Subscription
Sophos XGS 107 Email Protection 11 MOS Subscription
Sophos XGS 107 Email Protection 11 MOS EDU Subscription
Sophos XGS 107 Email Protection 11 MOS Renewal Subscription
Sophos XGS 107 Email Protection 11 MOS Renewal EDU Subscription
Sophos XGS 107 Email Protection 11 MOS Renewal GOV Subscription
Sophos Central Mobile Advanced 200499 users 12 MOS Subscription
Sophos Central Email Advanced 5099 users 12 MOS Renewal Subscription
Sophos Central Email Advanced 5099 users 12 MOS Subscription
Sophos XG 106 Xstream Protection 2 MOS GOV Subscription
Sophos XG 106 Xstream Protection 2 MOS EDU Subscription
Sophos XG 106 Xstream Protection 2 MOS Renewal Subscription
Sophos XG 106 Xstream Protection 2 MOS Subscription
Sophos XG 106 Xstream Protection 2 MOS Renewal EDU Subscription
Sophos XG 106 Xstream Protection 2 MOS Renewal GOV Subscription
Watchguard Endpoint Module Advanced Reporting Tool 3 Year 51 to 100 licenses
Panda Endpoint Protection Plus 1 Year 11 to 25 users
Sophos XGS 87 Xstream Protection 2 MOS Renewal GOV Subscription
Sophos XGS 87 Xstream Protection 2 MOS Subscription
Sophos XGS 87 Xstream Protection 2 MOS Renewal Subscription
Sophos XGS 87 Xstream Protection 2 MOS EDU Subscription
Sophos XGS 87 Xstream Protection 2 MOS GOV Subscription
Sophos XGS 87 Xstream Protection 2 MOS Renewal EDU Subscription
Sophos XGS 116 Email Protection 7 MOS Subscription
Sophos XGS 116 Webserver Protection 7 MOS Renewal EDU Subscription
Sophos XGS 116 Email Protection 7 MOS Renewal EDU Subscription
Sophos XGS 116 Webserver Protection 7 MOS GOV Subscription
Sophos XGS 116 Email Protection 7 MOS EDU Subscription
Sophos XGS 116 Webserver Protection 7 MOS Renewal Subscription
Sophos XGS 116 Webserver Protection 7 MOS Subscription
Sophos XG 125 Xstream Protection 1 MOS EDU Subscription
Sophos XGS 116 Email Protection 7 MOS Renewal Subscription
Sophos XGS 116 Email Protection 7 MOS GOV Subscription
Sophos XG 125 Xstream Protection 1 MOS Renewal EDU Subscription
Sophos XG 125 Xstream Protection 1 MOS Subscription
Sophos XG 125 Xstream Protection 1 MOS Renewal GOV Subscription
Sophos XG 125 Xstream Protection 1 MOS GOV Subscription
Sophos XG 125 Xstream Protection 1 MOS Renewal Subscription
Sophos XGS 116 Email Protection 7 MOS Renewal GOV Subscription
Sophos XGS 116 Webserver Protection 7 MOS EDU Subscription
Sophos XGS 116 Webserver Protection 7 MOS Renewal GOV Subscription
Sophos Central Intercept X for Mobile 19 users 12 MOS Subscription
Panda Fusion 1 Year 101 to 250 users
WatchGuard EDR 1 Year 251 to 500 licenses License Per User
WatchGuard Managed Detection and Response Service 1 Year 1001 to 5000 licenses
Sophos Central Phish Threat 5099 users 36 MOS Subscription
Sophos Central Phish Threat 5099 users 36 MOS Renewal Subscription
Watchguard Endpoint Module Full Encryption 3 Year 51 to 100 licenses
WatchGuard DNSWatchGO 1 Year 1 to 50 Users License Per User
Power Adapter with Round Connector Tan for WatchGuard Firebox T45CW AU
WatchGuard AuthPoint Total Identity Security 1 Year 51 to 100 users