Sophos XG 115 Webserver Protection 2 MOS Subscription
Sophos Central Intercept X Advanced 1024 users 2 MOS Renewal Subscription
Watchguard Endpoint Module Full Encryption 1 Year 1001 to 5000 licenses
Watchguard Endpoint Module Advanced Reporting Tool 1 Year 1001 to 5000 licenses
WatchGuard SIEMFeeder 1 Year 1 to 50 licenses
Sophos Central Public Cloud Integration Pack 500999 users and servers 12 MOS Renewal GOV Subscription
Sophos Central Device Encryption 1024 clients 6 MOS Renewal GOV Subscription
Sophos Central Device Encryption 1024 clients 6 MOS Renewal EDU Subscription
Sophos Central Device Encryption 1024 clients 6 MOS GOV Subscription
Sophos Central Device Encryption 1024 clients 6 MOS Subscription
Sophos Central Device Encryption 1024 clients 6 MOS EDU Subscription
Sophos Central Device Encryption 1024 clients 6 MOS Renewal Subscription
Sophos XGS 87 Central Orchestration 3 MOS Subscription
Sophos XGS 87 Central Orchestration 3 MOS Renewal EDU Subscription
Sophos XGS 87 Central Orchestration 3 MOS GOV Subscription
Sophos XGS 87 Central Orchestration 3 MOS EDU Subscription
Sophos XGS 87 Central Orchestration 3 MOS Renewal Subscription
Sophos XGS 87 Central Orchestration 3 MOS Renewal GOV Subscription
Sophos XGS 107 Email Protection 3 MOS GOV Subscription
Sophos XGS 107 Email Protection 3 MOS EDU Subscription
Sophos XGS 107 Email Protection 3 MOS Renewal Subscription
Sophos XGS 107 Email Protection 3 MOS Renewal EDU Subscription
Sophos XGS 107 Email Protection 3 MOS Renewal GOV Subscription
Sophos XGS 107 Email Protection 3 MOS Subscription
Sophos XG 135 Email Protection 1 MOS EDU Subscription
Sophos XG 135 Email Protection 1 MOS Renewal GOV Subscription
Sophos XG 135 Email Protection 1 MOS Renewal EDU Subscription
Sophos XG 135 Email Protection 1 MOS Subscription
Sophos XG 135 Email Protection 1 MOS GOV Subscription
Sophos XG 135 Email Protection 1 MOS Renewal Subscription
Sophos Access Points Support for AP6 420 12 MOS
Sophos XG 86 Webserver Protection 5 MOS Renewal Subscription
Sophos XG 86 Email Protection 5 MOS Renewal Subscription
Sophos Central Device Encryption 2549 clients 7 MOS EDU Subscription
Sophos Central Device Encryption 2549 clients 7 MOS Renewal Subscription
Sophos Central Device Encryption 2549 clients 7 MOS GOV Subscription
Sophos Central Device Encryption 2549 clients 7 MOS Renewal GOV Subscription
Sophos Central Device Encryption 2549 clients 7 MOS Renewal EDU Subscription
Sophos Central Device Encryption 2549 clients 7 MOS
Sophos Central Device Encryption 19 clients 6 MOS Renewal Subscription
Sophos Central Device Encryption 19 clients 6 MOS Renewal GOV Subscription
Sophos Central Device Encryption 19 clients 6 MOS EDU Subscription
Sophos Central Device Encryption 19 clients 6 MOS Renewal EDU Subscription
Sophos Central Device Encryption 19 clients 6 MOS GOV Subscription
Sophos Central Device Encryption 19 clients 6 MOS Subscription
Sophos Central Phish Threat 500999 users 12 MOS Subscription
Sophos Central Phish Threat 200499 users 12 MOS Renewal GOV Subscription
Sophos XGS 116 Webserver Protection 2 MOS Subscription
Sophos XGS 116 Email Protection 2 MOS EDU Subscription
Sophos XGS 116 Webserver Protection 2 MOS Renewal Subscription
Sophos XGS 116 Email Protection 2 MOS Renewal GOV Subscription
Sophos XGS 116 Email Protection 2 MOS GOV Subscription